CIRCLE-use is on an ambitious mission, our goal is to help companies reduce their waste on a global scale.
A sustainable alternative to the throw-away culture. Goods that can no longer be sold, which would otherwise be destroyed, can find new life among people in other countries where they are badly needed. And build a world in which things are not just thrown away, but passed on to others, where they can be useful again. This creates hope in countries in need, and it is at the same time reducing our joint carbon footprint.
Does your company have goods with printing or colour defects, impurities, leftovers or discontinued models/items that you normally send for waste disposal by incineration? Now you can donate those goods/products to CIRCLE-use with a clean conscience. This minimizes the huge CO2 footprint that the wasting of these products would otherwise have triggered, and this benefits the CSR accounts of the company.
It all starts with an idea…
"If we want change, we have to do things differently"
Together we are able to make a difference. Collected scraps
can really benefit others in need and at the same time help to protect the environment
#ESG reporting, social responsibility,
sustainability and triple bottom line. Regardless of which term you use, it is all about social responsibility and creating a better world.
In the concept used by CIRCLE-use, we help to create jobs in Africa with goods and products that would otherwise be disposed of by incineration.
We do things differently in several ways.
We document the effects of your donations visually.
This means that you can follow your donation and also the long-term job-creating effect.
“Sustainable awareness because we care about ourselves and others”
World goals we contribute to:
Who are we:
An association collecting things that will benefit others, instead of being sent for waste disposal by incineration
CIRCLE-use works in partnership with companies
We want to make a difference nationally as well as globally
Through our innovative initiatives, we try to limit the flow of refugees, simply because we are helping to bring hope and to create new local jobs in developing countries
If you want to donate items
Contact us via mail:
or call: tel. 7185 7165